Just a reminder to be vigilant these days when it comes to safeguarding your identity and financial information. Tech support scams are very common. They usually occur when a web page pops up on your screen with some scary (fake) warnings along with a telephone number to call. Don’t call this number! They will attempt to get on your computer and scam you for money. If you have to, turn your computer off by holding in the power button and then restart. I have attached a sample screen shot of a typical tech support scam attempt (see bellow).

Phishing scams are also common. A recent ploy is to send you an email saying that either you need to confirm your information to avoid having your account locked, or that you have been charged for something you did not purchase. In the latter case, they will try to get you to “confirm” your payment info so they can cancel the order, and then use that information to post charges to your account.
Refer to the Federal Trade Commission website for a more detailed description by clicking >here<. There is also a link on the FTC page where you can file a complaint if you live in the United States and have been the victim of the tech support scam.